Employment, Mid-terms, Rag-week
This week has shaped up to be very interesting thus far. I found out on Monday that I for-sure got a job working at Eddie Rockets (this "American" style burger place downtown in Galway). It will be alot of fun, and I was pumped because I could still go on a scheduled Belfast trip for next weekend. Unfortunately, I found out that the trip left for the one day I was supposed to start, so I had to cancel out on the trip in order to assure I had a job. No big deal, because I've invented a new maxim: In order to spend money, one must first have money ;). I start next Thursday, the 24th, which is of course Jilian's 21st birthday!
Also, Courtney and her friend Jean have arrived to Galway and are staying at my place. They're currently on a tour of the Burren and cliffs of Mohrer, so they'll have a great time since it's a pretty nice day. We'll all go out tonight so I can show them the Galway night life (hit the pubs, and possibly the late-night clubs, followed by a for-sure stop at Marios, the best late-night takeout place for greasy guilty-pleasures in Galway. Mmm...chili-cheese chips (chips, for those of you not in the know, are what Irish and Brits call fries)).
I'm also in the middle of writing history papers, but academics as a whole are still very tough to take seriously here. I'm rockin' and rolling though, writing a paper now on the Boer War in South Africa (Britain's Vietnam, only in the early 20th century. Amazing how big empires never learn their lesson.)
Next week is the famous "Rag-Week" at NUIG. It's basically an excuse for all the students to skip class, get hammered, and keep getting hammered. It used to be the week after exams at the college, but while the exam dates have changed, the tradition has not. I think I'll probably be taking it relatively easy compared to my peers, but we'll see what happens.
Well, that's all for now. This blogging thing is kinda fun. Maybe I'll be able to keep it going ;).
"Dream out Loud and at High Volume"-Bono
Also, Courtney and her friend Jean have arrived to Galway and are staying at my place. They're currently on a tour of the Burren and cliffs of Mohrer, so they'll have a great time since it's a pretty nice day. We'll all go out tonight so I can show them the Galway night life (hit the pubs, and possibly the late-night clubs, followed by a for-sure stop at Marios, the best late-night takeout place for greasy guilty-pleasures in Galway. Mmm...chili-cheese chips (chips, for those of you not in the know, are what Irish and Brits call fries)).
I'm also in the middle of writing history papers, but academics as a whole are still very tough to take seriously here. I'm rockin' and rolling though, writing a paper now on the Boer War in South Africa (Britain's Vietnam, only in the early 20th century. Amazing how big empires never learn their lesson.)
Next week is the famous "Rag-Week" at NUIG. It's basically an excuse for all the students to skip class, get hammered, and keep getting hammered. It used to be the week after exams at the college, but while the exam dates have changed, the tradition has not. I think I'll probably be taking it relatively easy compared to my peers, but we'll see what happens.
Well, that's all for now. This blogging thing is kinda fun. Maybe I'll be able to keep it going ;).
"Dream out Loud and at High Volume"-Bono
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