Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Update

Yep, I'm definately falling off the ball on this blog ;-).

Well, it's been two months since my last post. Things are moving along pretty smoothly in my life. I managed to do pretty well in all of my classes last semester, despite the two seminars being pretty intense but ultimately very rewarding. I ended up looking at early reporters in Vietnam during the early America intervention and backing in the early 1960s. It proved to be very rewarding, and it was great to synthesize information about how the reporters reflected the ideals of the period, but were still critical of certain aspects of policy in the country. Their predictions ultimately proved true and the problems didn't change too much once the American committment was increased.

Right, I'm nerdy. Well Christmas and New Years were fun. Christmas was the usual hang out with family and meet my dad's side in a big church. Dad's 1 in a family of 13, so our family gatherings are always pretty big. We had ham dinner and also hung out. Ooh, and before that (i'm doing well chronologically here) the T-tones, the all male acapella group I'm in ( recorded our new cd in Spokane. I brought Jilian along and we had a great time staying with my brother. The new cd is going to rock, and special thanks go out to Wade at College Road Recording and my Uncle Greg and Aunt Debbie, who let 6 strangers stay in their house (guys from the group) who are luckily really cool and got along just fine with my relatives :-). After that Jilian and I drove to Portland on the worst day possible to drive on I-84...there was snow, slush, was a true winter wonderland. Luckily Aunt Annie's Cavalier does very well on ice. Once we got to Portland we saw U2 live. Yep u2. Best. Band. Ever. The concert was amazing, and the closest thing to a religious epiphany I've had since their last concert in 2001.

So now I'm back in Walla Walla awaiting the next semester. It's going to be pretty chill, as I'm only taking 2 credits (only need 2 to graduate). They are choir and choir. Now, I also have senior first round is at the end of this month. And then there's the matter of lining up what I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm planning on teaching highschool, so I've been applying to graduate schools. I'm looking at UPS primarily, but am also going to apply for a fellowship called the James Madison, which would give me money for grad school. It's specifically geared towards people who want to be secondary high school teachers. So hopefully that works, in which case I could be going to a few possible choices: Eastern, Western, Washington State...yep..choices choices. On top of that I'm applying for Teach for America, a non profit organization that puts young, idealistic college graduate turned teachers in poor urban/rural schools to make a difference and change some lives. I'm hoping I do well with this too, and it's definately an option.

I also got a job here in Walla at a local Deli called Merchants. I'm the I'm there from 5-11a.m. about 6 days a week. It's nice to have a steady stream of income.

Well, that's all for now. Have a great day and hope your winters were nice.



"So I go down the streets...down to my good friend's house. I said 'look man, I'm outdoors you know..can I stay with you maybe a couple of days?' 'He said, uhhh..let me go ask the wife.' He come out of the house. I could see in his face. I know'd it was 'no.' He said 'I don't know man, she kinda funny and all.' I said 'I know, now you funny too.'"-George Thorogood and the Destroyers


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