Monday, February 28, 2005

The Late Shift

What a night/morning! So I was scheduled for a 6 hour shift (6-midnight) but my supervisor, Vivian, asked me if I'd work until closing, which I did. Well, the restaurant closes to customers at 3.a.m, so I left the place around 4. Crazy. Even on a Sunday night, the Irish know how to drink! (mainly because there was a big rugby match yesterday (Ireland v. England..Ireland won.)) Drunk people are hilarious, but they can also be extremely obnoxious (yeah, some of you are going "duh".) I have a new respect for foreign employees, they sure do get alot of shit. If I hear one more fake Texas accent ordering fries, my head will probably explode. I had an overall good time though, but was exhausted by the end. The Chinese contigent (the KP, a cook, and my supervisor) gave me a ride back to Corrib Village, which was nice, and they also told me that if we work past midnight we get a free taxi ride home, which is also a bonus.

Things are moving nicely now. I woke up this morning and called in for my other job, so I'm doing the promotions gig on Friday night at the Living Room (Courtney knows all about that place) and I'm still planning on the Dublin trip. I think I'll be leaving Wednesday night and spend all day Thursday seeing the sights (I have a special "U2" themed intinerary I'm going to check out) and then get back on Friday in time for that promo. I'm also helping out an Irish friend of mine run for student government, so I'm going to be wearing a "vote for Shane Cosgrove" t-shirt for the next couple of days, but hey, free t-shirt.

Hope all is well back at home, and keep those comments coming, they're fun to read.


"I would sacrifice anything, come what might, for the sake of holding you near. In spite of warning voice, that comes in the night and it speaks and it shouts in my ear"-Frank Sinatra


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