Monday, March 21, 2005


So I woke up this morning, finished a paper, and looked at my empty flat. I then said to myself "time to do some travelling" so I decided that Cork would be the place to go. Cork is about a 5 hour bus ride from Galway and lies in South-Western Ireland. It's named the "rebel city" because the original finnian movement started here. There was also a really cool battle in 1601 not too far from here at a place called Kinsale that I'm going to check out tomorrow, along with the obligatory visit to Blarney Castle. You can bet I'll have some sweet pictures from this journey. My first impressions of Cork are pretty positive.

The city is Europe's "Culture Capital: 2005" (they pick a different Euro city every year.) Cork people think their city is by far the best in Ireland, and are quick to point out that Dublin sucks. The city itself is a penisula surrounded on the north and the south by a canal and the River Lee. Lots of bridges and water, which always makes for a scenic city. The architecture is also different here than Galway, with taller old buildings and cool round spires. It's like Cork is trying to be a big city without being too big so it can still have the small town Irish charm. Galway, by the way, does this very well. Compare this with Dublin, which ends up being another European city (still a nice place though.)

This will also be my first experience with a Youth Hostel, which I've somehow managed to avoid these past few months, and I must say that they're great. It's like living in dorm for a few days, and you meet some interesting people. I probably won't do much tonight after posting this because downtown is literally dead on a Monday night in Cork, which is pretty surprising, normally Galway has a little bit of action on Mondays, but not Cork. I also had my first pint of Beamish, which is the Cork equivalent to Guinesse. It's good, but no Guinesse (this has a thicker head and a more bitter taste.) Talked to a drunk Corkman about the places I should visit, so I've also added Cobh (pronounced: "cove") and "Shannon's Bells," on top of a clocktower in town. Should be good times.

It's kinda weird travelling alone, but I enjoy it because I'm not as tied to the whims of others to figure out where I'm going..I get to decide which is nice. The negative aspect is obviously not having company, which can be a bummer, but no complaints here. Also the weather has taken a turn for the usual with lots of lovely rain and grey weather. Of course the weather was pristine while I was working this weekend ;). C'est la vie.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll let you know about my epic adventure once I get back to Galway on Wednesday night or Thurdsay morning. I'm probably going to be taking a bus tour of the Connemara (a region west and north of Galway) with some co-workers (my friends Thomas from Poland and Bastien from France.) Pictures and narration will of course follow.

Hope all is well with everyone. Aunt Annie, I hope you've enjoyed your pacific adventure.


"You see the face on the T.V. screen? Staring at you every Sunday? You see the face on the billboard? Well that man is me." -Genesis

Site of the Day: A good satire on the political fiasco that's being made over this poor woman's life. I would add a political tirade here, but the satire speaks for itself.


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