Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Ahh exams. They're coming, and I've been in denial of their approach. I have two on Monday, one for a history class and then my "weather and climate" final. Both classes aren't too difficult and I'm in good spirits about taking exams for both of them. On top of that, though, I've been trying to get a 4,500 word essay for another class completed, so it's been loads of fun. The weather outside has been unbelievably sunny, but I've been shacked up in the computer lab trying to get papers done. Don't worry, I'm not complaining, just letting you all know that this week hasn't been too exciting.

Well, I guess that's not a fair statement either. I had some awesome dinners the past two days. Two days ago Dan's (my flatmate) mom came with her two sisters and they took us out to dinner at a pub called McSwiggans and the food was delightful, then the next day our program had it's "farewell" dinner at the Lemongrass (a noodle place) which was also quite scrumptious. But, it's back to grilled tuna sandwiches because there are no further free dinners on the horizon until work this weekend.

I also realized yesterday how much I feel like I live here now. I haven't really felt that way about a place, even Walla Walla, but here I really feel like I'm a part of the community almost. I was walking out of Eddie Rockets after trying to find my manager to give him my 2 weeks notice, he wasn't around, but I immediately ran into friends from work outside. We walked downtown and I just got a familiar sense. It's hard to explain, but it's the first time I've felt connected to a place like this (not since Harrington really.) It'll be cool to come back when I'm 70 and be like "I remember..." I'm sure I'll be back.

I also think I have a place to stay in Galway once I get back from Europe and after my lease runs out at Corrib Village. A friend of mine from work is heading down to Poland for a wedding and said I could use his room while he's gone. The reason for this is if I stay in Galway through the 2nd, I can do a gig with the barbershop group I'm in here at school and I'll get 300 euro for doing the gig, which is a nice sum of moolah. This all depends on when I need to be back to Washington for my internship, but I think everything will work out. I also found a place in Tacoma to stay for the summer through some subletters at UPS (University of Puget Sound.) Nice, low rent (a little over $250) so no complaints here. Now you can see why it's been tough to study lately ;-).



"What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?"-Ringo Star

Website of the day: Check out my friend Courtney's blog. She's in London right now and has the funniest blog in existence. Be sure to check out her epic quest to find the elusive "Ness Ness."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're subletting from UPS? That's so exciting, as it is my school! The neighborhood around here is great. The only sad part is that it sounds like I will already be gone by the time you get here. Oh well. There is always Satori, right?

2:30 AM  

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